Good strategy, bad strategy, do you know the difference? Strategizing is more than buzzwords. Solid plans are the byproduct of sound research and intelligent insights. Before committing to any plan of action, take a good look at your organization’s climate and landscape.

Top 10 Attributes of Successful Strategic Plans

“Summary: Did you know more than 70 percent of strategic plans fail? Here’s how to make sure yours doesn’t.

For all of the attention and focus placed on strategic planning and change initiatives, it’s hard to imagine that roughly 70 percent of strategic plans fail and 73 percent of change initiatives fall short of producing any meaningful or lasting change. Troubled by these figures, our Vistage Chairs (former executives turned business mentors) compared notes on initiatives that have succeeded and, sourcing some renowned scholars, have come up with a top 10 list of shared attributes.” (American Express)
